Temaside om Spotlight filmen og 'The Boston Globe Spotlight Team'
om avisen Boston Globes Spotlight gruppe af dybdeborende journalister, der i 2002 først chokerede byen og resten af verden ved at afsløre den katolske kirkes systematiske mørkelægning af omfattende overgreb, bl.a. pædofili, der involverede flere end 70 præster.
Temaside om Spotlight filmen og The Boston Globe Spotlight Team
24. feb. 2016 (update: 17. marts)
Herunder finder du omtale af filmen, anmeldelser af Helene Hägglund og Hanne Gregersen, video interview med skuespillerne, videoer hvor journalisterne fra 'The Boston Globe Spotlight team' fortæller, Irske medie indslag om filmen, og sagerne, daværende præsident Georg W. Bush svare på spørgsmål i 2002 om sagerne og kardinal Law, imens de afdækkes i medierne. Og ældre arkiv videoer fra samtiden. m.m.
Filmen “Spotlight” beretter den sande historie om Boston Globes Pulitzer Prisvindende Spotlight gruppe af dybdeborende journalister, der i januar 2002 offentliggjorde næsten 600 historier om sexmisbrug begået af flere end 70 katolske præster, hvis handlinger efterfølgende blev skjult af den katolske kirke.
- I december 2002 trådte kardinal Law tilbage fra sin position i Bostons ærkebispedømme… og blev forflyttet til fortjenstfuld tjeneste i den magtfulde Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore i Rome.
- 249 katolske præster blev anklaget for seksuelle overgreb inden for Bostons ærkebispedømme.
- Pr. 2008 havde 1,476 kendte ofre overlevet seksuelle overgreb, begået af katolske præster i Boston området over en periode på mindst 40 år.
- Over hele USA er 6,427 katolske præster blevet anklaget for seksuelt at have misbrugt 17.259 ofre.
- I de mellemliggende år, siden offentliggørelsen af Spotlights afsløringerne, er seksuelle overgreb, begået af katolske præster, blevet afsløret i 105 amerikanske byer og 102 bispedømmer i resten af verden.
Tallene er fra www.bishop-accountability.org, en privat database udviklet af Terry McKiernan.
Anmeldelser i danske medier:
Berlingske: "Jagten på sandheden om pædofile præster" - 5 ud 6 stjerner.
Kristeligt Dagblad: "Fremragende journalistfilm vækker den indre retsfølelse" -
5 ud 6 stjerner.
"De moralske dilemmaer står i kø i ”Spotlight”, der således ikke kun er en fejring af de heroiske journalister i sandhedens tjeneste, men også en udstillen af journalisternes egen konforme tænkning og mangel på mod"
A look behind the scenes of The Boston Globe Spotlight team.
29. okt. 2015 - "Spotlight" stars Mark Ruffalo and Brian d'Arcy James, the film's director and writer Tom McCarthy, and co-writer Josh Singer walked the red carpet under a tent before a screening of the film at the Coolidge Corner Theatre on Wednesday night. Read more: http://bit.ly/1ikRtEH
4. nov. 2011 - (Boston Globe) In today's Big Story, Mike Bello reports that local church groups are outraged at party planned for Cardinal Law to celebrate his 80th birthday. (By Alan Miller, Globe Staff)
1. aug. 2013 - James 'Whitey' Bulger's attorneys released photos that may be exhibits in his trial, one of which show Bulger with defrocked Catholic priest Frederick Ryan.(Boston Globe)
16. feb. 2016 - Writer and director of Spotlight, Tom McCarthy chats to Zoe Ball about winning the BAFTA for Original Screenplay.
13. nov. 2015 - In "Spotlight," it's one major hometown institution talking on another. The new film recounts the true story of how The Boston Globe revealed the Catholic Church's coverup of child sex abuse by priests. Jeffrey Brown looks back at the real investigation and how the filmmakers portrayed the process.
Washingtonpost - Oscars fact check: How accurate are the best-picture nominees?
KEYNOTE: A Hollywood ‘Spotlight’ On Award-Winning Boston Globe Investigation
9. okt. 2015 - The award-winning team behind the Boston Globe's intensive investigation into Catholic church abuses will reunite for this special keynote conversation. The Spotlight team will be joined by moderator and screenwriter Josh Singer as they recount their experiences reporting on the complex story which won the Pulitzer Prize for Public Service in 2003 and showcase clips from "Spotlight," the upcoming film about the project from Participant Media and Open Road.
Mr. President, there's a growing crisis in the Catholic Church right now, involving pedophilia......
President Bush Holds Press Conference - March 13, 2002
Q Mr. President, there's a growing crisis in the Catholic Church right now, involving pedophilia. And the crisis is exploding in Boston, under the watch of Cardinal Law, who you know. Do you think the archdiocese there is acting swiftly enough to deal with the issue of pedophilia among the ranks of priests?
THE PRESIDENT: Well, I know many in the hierarchy of the Catholic Church; I know them to be men of integrity and decency. They're honorable people. I was just with Cardinal Egan today. And I'm confident the Church will clean up its business and do the right thing. As to the timing, I haven't, frankly -- I'm not exactly aware of the -- how fast or how not fast they're moving. I just can tell you I trust the leadership of the Church.
Q Do you think Cardinal Law should resign?
THE PRESIDENT: That's up to the Church. I know Cardinal Law to be a man of integrity; I respect him a lot.
January 9. 2002: The Boston Archdiocese's sex abuse cover-up begins to unravel with the publication of the first installment of the Boston Globe's Spotlight Investigative Report. Cardinal Law responds to news reports that he knew about priest John Geoghan's sexual assaults on children, but nevertheless continued to assign him to parishes throughout Massachusetts.
January 10, 2002. As Boston Catholics become engulfed by the revelations of child sex abuse by priests, MSNBC TV talks to Phil Saviano, the New England coordinator for SNAP, the abuse survivors' network. Topics include the significance of the Vatican's secret tribunals, and Phil's knowledge from being both a child sex abuse victim and an advocate for others.
April 2002. - The New England Cable News program "NewsNight" broadcast.
Responding to the revelations of the Boston Globe Spotlight Investigation into sex abuse within the Boston Archdiocese, and the resulting outcry of thousands of other Catholic abuse victims across the United States, Pope John Paul II summoned all U.S.
April 2012 - This episode of NECN's "Newsnight," hosted by NECN anchors Chet Curtis and Margie Reedy, begins with an intro about new documents uncovered in the Fr. Paul Shanley case. Then SNAP's Phil Saviano and child psychologist Carolyn Newberger discuss the concept of a "zero tolerance" policy towards priest abusers.
February 2002 - As the revelations of clergy child sex abuse in Boston start to spread to other Catholic diocese across the United States, psychologist Richard Sipe offers much-needed analysis and insight into the roots of the problem. He is able to answer the question that everyone seems to be asking: "What the heck is going on in the Catholic priesthood?"
On June 5, 1998 Boston Archdiocese's serial child molester, Fr. John Geoghan, was defrocked by the Vatican. The story is covered by all the Boston TV news channels, featuring remarks from Cardinal Law, SNAP's New England leader Phil Saviano, and some of Fr. Geoghan's victims. Geoghan was the first priest in the Boston Archdiocese to be laicized.
March 2002 Reuters International news report says Boston Catholic cathedral is "a firestorm amid the largest sex scandal in church history." Report features SNAP Board Member Mark Serrano in New Jersey and Phil Saviano, Founder of New England SNAP Chapter, in Boston. Former Massachusetts priest David Holley is profiled.
24. feb. 2016 - (opdateret 1. marts)
"Skal vi se den? Ja - helt sikkert, efter min mening. Den er obligatorisk pensum."
- Anmeldelse af Hanne Gregersen, medarbejder på 'Beredskabsplanen 2011' for bispedømmet København.