Villanova University: Conference - Francis, a Voice Crying Out in the World: Mercy, Justice, Love, & Care for the Earth
23. april 2018
The Institute for Catholic Social Thought at Villanova University celebrates the fifth anniversary of the election of Pope Francis. The goal of the conference is to provide a theological and historical analysis of this pontificate.
April 12-15
Se dem enkeltvis herunder ca. 60 min / stk - eller samlet via playlisten i bunden ca. 9 timer.
Flight or Field Hospital: Pope Francis and the Church’s Engagement with the World
Reconciling Doctrine, Theology, Spirituality, and Pastorality: Vatican II and Pope Francis
Pope Francis and Laudato Si
A hunter... ends up with an arrow in his behind: Following Francis’s Tough Leadership Act
Pope Francis and His Impact on the Church of Latin America
The Catholic Church as a Social Movement
Pope Francis Interpretation of Vatican II
The Spiritual The Spiritual Roots of “Reform” in Pope Francis
Pope Francis Theologian of Migration
Samlet playliste med alle 9 indlæg.
Event side: Conference: Francis, a Voice Crying Out in the World: Mercy, Justice, Love, & Care for the Earth <her>
Crux: "Pope’s biggest fans celebrate five years of Francis at Villanova" <her>
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