Katolikker i Dialog
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The blue Nun by Giuseppe Peppoloni
'Katolikker i Dialog' er et webmagasin der udkommer spredt henover år og dag, læs <her>
Corita Kent: The Pop Art Nun
At a time when pop art was finding its footing and the nation was in a state of upheaval, Sister Corita helped make art more accessible to the public. This episode charts her art practice and her effect on generations after her. Using the classroom as a tool for a more approachable way to think about art, Sister Corita has inspired and motivated an entire new generation of graphic designers.
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‘Sostrup Sagen’
Dox på DR.DK: ‘Klostrets mørke hemmeligheder’
Kort udklip fra Dox på DR.DK: ‘Klostrets mørke hemmeligheder’
Nov. 2022
‘Klostrets mørke hemmeligheder’ - dox i 4 dele på DR.DK er stærke sager - der udfolder et omfattende svigt fra bispedømmet i Danmark og særligt fra den Danske katolske biskop Kozon. Faktisk handler han i strid med gældende lovgivning.
Enhver med styr på ret og vrang, og orden i sit personlige etiske kompas, ville efteflg. have erkendt sit svigt og være gået af, for ikke at tilsmudse den biskoppelige position, dens anseelse og omverdens tillid dertil.
Alle 4 afsnit kan ses på DR.DK
"Mens Moder Theresa bliver hyldet af det katolske samfund, fortæller tidligere søstre, hvordan flere ældre nonner udsættes for tvang og overgreb indenfor klostermurene."
"Moder Theresa bliver suspenderet af Vatikanet og mister derved sin abbedissetitel. Hun forlader klostret, men kan det passe, at hun igen, med den katolske kirkes velsignelse, kalder sig abbedisse, nu i udkanten af slummen i Peru?"
Klostrets mørke hemmeligheder: "De unge nonner" - "Dødsfaldet" - "Overgreb - "Hvor er abbedissen"
Link: https://www.dr.dk/drtv/episode/klostrets-moerke-hemmeligheder_-de-unge-nonner_334372
"Neokatekumenale Vandrings historie i Danmark’
22. nov. 2022
Om ‘Sostrup Sagen’ - Hvorfor mon den danske katolske biskop Kozon ikke skrider ind langt tidligere ? - det tager jo >10 år før han griber til handling, og først efter et større mediepres på ham.
Er det mon fordi han faktisk selv er en del af 'Den Neokatekumenale Vandring? Altså det man ude i resten af verden betegner som en NKV Biskop?
Se vedlagte udklip fra bogen - "Neokatekumenale Vandrings historie i Danmark" - udgivet i 2016, i den fremgår det tydeligt hvorledes Kozon i 1970’erne var meget aktiv i 'Den Neokatekumenale Vandring'.
Kan lånes på biblioteket <her>
Udgivet i 2016 - Forfattere: Anna Cignitti - Merete Noval
Kristeligt Dagblad udgiver i 2013 en artikel, faktisk den første (og eneste?) der dengang laver et samlet overblik over hele sagn og dens forløb.
3 gange kommer den ind på sagens relation til 'Den Neokatekumenale Vandring' - og det ikke for det gode.
Det er en gåde - at der stadig er danske katolikker der kronisk forsvare den bevægelse der tillige har en klar sekterisk ageren.
Det er kombinationen af moder Theresa Brenninkmeijer personlighedstræk og 'Den Neokatekumenale Vandring' der kører Sostrup kloster i sænk og gør stedet til en sekt.
Uden at Biskop Kozon griber ind i tide....
"Restaurationsvirksomheden på Sostrup Slot blev lukket. Og abbedissen blev ifølge flere observatører i stigende grad optaget af evangeliseringsbevægelsen ’Den neokatekumenale vandring,’ som har fokus på mission og dåbslære for voksne. Den blev først godkendt af Pavestolen i 2011 og må betragtes som svært forenlig med Cistercienserordenens indadvendte fokus på bøn og stilhed."
"I et interview med Kristeligt Dagblad i juni 2011 kom generalabbedens medarbejder i Rom, pater og prokurator for cistercienserne Meinrad Tomann, med en begrundelse: Abbedissen skulle suspenderes på grund af teologiske uenigheder:
”Hovedårsagen er, at man i løbet af den interne undersøgelse har oplevet, at undervisningen på stedet har været for præget af den nye evangeliseringsbevægelse ’Den neokatekumenale vej’. Pavestolen mener, at den afviger for meget fra den traditionelle linje, så det vil de ændre på. Søstrene bør have mere indre frihed til at vælge og ikke være udsat for en så snæver spiritualitet, som det nu er tilfældet,” sagde han dengang."
"Alt tyder dog på, at de tidligere nonner ikke har opgivet tanken om klosterliv. Theresa Brenninkmeijer har fortalt bispedømmet i København, at hun og hendes flok af tidligere nonner vil danne en ny orden. Denne skal sandsynligvis være til tjeneste for evangeliseringsbevægelsen ’Den neokatekumenale vej’ – i bevægelsens første kloster nogensinde.
Det kræver en lokal biskops velsignelse at danne en ny orden, og efter sigende skulle flere sydamerikanske biskopper være interesserede."
"Hvad skete der egentlig på Sostrup Kloster?"
Link: https://www.kristeligt-dagblad.dk/historier/sostrup
Tema: Den Neokatekumenale Vandring - Tema: Sostrup - Maria Hjerte Abbedi
28. januar 2022
Artikel fra David Gibson, Director, Center on Religion and Culture, Fordham University
Pope Benedict faulted over sex abuse claims: New report is just one chapter in his – and Catholic Church’s – fraught record

An in-depth report released last week alleges that former Pope Benedict XVI allowed four abusive priests in Munich to remain in ministry. The pope, then known as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, led the German archdiocese from 1977 to 1982.
The 1,900-page audit was commissioned by the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising but conducted by independent investigators. It covers the period from 1945 to 2019 and lists 235 alleged clergy who were perpetrators of sexual abuse and at least 497 minors who were victims.
Given Benedict’s status – he was pope from 2005 to 2013, until his historic resignation due to ill health – the news has put additional scrutiny on top leaders’ roles in allowing abusers to go unpunished. It also raises the classic questions of what Benedict knew, and when.
As a journalist, I covered Ratzinger in Rome in the 1980s and wrote a biography of him in 2006. Today, as director of the Center on Religion and Culture at Fordham University, I see this episode as an opportunity to understand the church’s fitful evolution on dealing with abuse.
Influential role
After Ratzinger left Munich in 1982, he came to Rome to serve as Pope John Paul II’s top defender of doctrine. For 23 years he led the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, a body tasked with defending Catholic teaching, and arguably the most influential department in the Vatican.
As head, Ratzinger had a say in developing the church’s response to the increasingly public sex abuse crisis. John Paul consulted Ratzinger on important decisions, and major documents from other departments at the Vatican required his approval, or imprimatur, before they could be published.

Ratzinger’s initial responses to abuse cases mirrored his record in Munich. In one case in 1985, for example, he rejected an appeal to defrock, or “laicize,” an American priest who sexually abused children, even though the priest himself, as well as the bishop, requested it.
One of Ratzinger’s successors at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Gerhard Mueller, defended his mentor by arguing that in the 1970s and 1980s, neither the church nor society at large understood child sex abuse properly. “It was thought that therapy could resolve the problem. Today we know that this is useless for these criminals,” he said after the release of the Munich report.
‘Weakness of faith’
Another key factor many critics blame for the hierarchy’s resistance to punishing clergy is an attitude called “clericalism,” or treating priests as superior. The late Rev. Donald Cozzens, a Cleveland priest, seminary director and psychologist who published a book on the priesthood in 2000, defined clericalism as an attitude of “privilege and entitlement” among clergy, elites who “think they’re unlike the rest of the faithful.”
Ratzinger and many other church leaders preferred to view the problem as a spiritual one. “I think the essential point is a weakness of faith,” Ratzinger insisted in 2003. He also blamed the secular world, particularly what he called the “unprecedented” moral breakdown of the 1960s and 1970s, and the acceptance of homosexuality.
Two studies by professors at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice showed that abuse did start to spike in the 1960s and declined sharply in the 1980s. But the researchers note that almost 44% of accused abusers were ordained before 1960 and dismiss the notion that gay men are to blame. Moreover, historians have often pointed out that pedophilia and other sexual abuses by clergy are nothing new but date back to at least the 11th century.
When The Boston Globe’s “Spotlight” series finally broke the scandal wide open in January 2002, American bishops sought to institute a zero-tolerance policy for abusers and to hold bishops who covered up accountable. The Vatican pushed back, though the U.S. bishops were able to adopt a relatively strong system laying out procedures for removing accused priests.
Ratzinger also continued to minimize the extent of the scandal, arguing in November 2002 that “less than one percent” of priests were guilty of abuse and blaming the media for “a planned campaign” to “discredit the church.” The real figure was over 4% nationally.
A sudden shift
The previous year, however, Ratzinger had persuaded John Paul to let his office take charge of all abuse cases worldwide to expedite trials and defrock the guilty. The ensuing flood of cases seemed to have an effect: When John Paul died in April 2005 and Ratzinger was elected Pope Benedict XVI, he moved quickly to begin laicizing hundreds of abusers. He also apologized to victims and became the first pope ever to meet face to face with clergy abuse victims. This was a sea change for the church, and for Benedict.
But it went only so far. Though Benedict publicly dismissed a bishop whom he considered too liberal, he was not as assertive in taking action against bishops suspected of covering up abuse or being abusers themselves. A key example is the case of Theodore McCarrick, a former Washington, D.C., cardinal.
Allegations that McCarrick had abused children emerged in July 2018 and led to an investigation that showed that Benedict knew of other accusations against McCarrick of sexual misconduct with adults but took no public action.
After Francis was elected pope in 2013, he stripped McCarrick of his cardinal’s title and defrocked him. McCarrick has pleaded not guilty to charges of sexually assaulting a teenager in the 1970s.
Francis also began firing other bishops for covering for abusers and started to institute a system of accountability.
Benedict is nearing the end of his life, living in seclusion in a quiet monastery inside the Vatican walls. Beyond the damage to his reputation, he likely won’t face sanctions for his actions decades ago in Munich.
But this episode helps illustrate how the Catholic Church got to this point and what remains to be done. And it may sway cardinals in the next conclave to choose a pope who has a stronger record on abuse.
[This Week in Religion, a global roundup each Thursday. Sign up.]
David Gibson, Director, Center on Religion and Culture, Fordham University
This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

Tema: ‘Traditionis Custodes’
Pave Frans’ Motu Proprio - om brugen af den romerske liturgi fra før reformen af 1970
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The Revolutionary Pope
In a surprise announcement, Pope John XXIII called all the world’s Catholic bishops and cardinals to Rome to discuss modernising the Church. The discussions, in the early 1960s, led to major changes in the practice and outlook of millions of Catholics. But not everyone welcomed the reforms. Msgr John Strynkowski was a student priest in Rome at the time of the ecumenical council, which became known as 'Vatican II'. He remembers the excitement and controversy surrounding the discussions.
Release date: 22 January 2019 - Duration: 4 minutes
Kilde: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p06ysrnc
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- filminstruktør Rob Reiner