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Bøger - Oversigt - Katolikker i Dialog -
Oversigt over bøger der er omtalt på websitet Katolikker i Dialog, med direkte links til hvor de kan købes på nettet.
Bøger - Oversigt
11. nov. 2017 -
"What an interesting idea: ask a wide range of writers and thinkers to reflect on Pope Francis's words. The result: this collection of intelligent and accessible essays. This is a book to keep on the bedside table and delve into over and over again."
22. juli 2017 -
"With this book, Massimo Faggioli cements his reputation as his generation's premier interpreter of the relationship between American Catholics and the Church in Rome. He is incisive, insightful, and unfailingly constructive in his observations."
- Cathleen Kaveny, Libby Professor of Law and Theology, Boston College
30. juni 2017 - opdateret 25. juli 2017
"The nation’s most prominent Catholic is now the subject of a police investigation into allegations spanning decades that he too abused children. Louise Milligan is the only Australian journalist who has been privy to the most intimate stories of complainants."
1. feb. 2017 -
"For omkring hundrede år siden florerede de præcis samme forestillinger om den tids indvandrere, katolikker og jøder."
7. nov. 2015 -
"Potiphar's Wife is not a dry, academic treatise but a highly readable and engaging account of one of the most important and relevant aspects of the clergy abuse debacle. The author goes through the bewildering canonical swamp and brings his conclusions to life with real examples."
4. nov. 2015 -
"In a speech that was said to have been secretly taped, and reproduced in the book, Francis tells key officials, “It is no exaggeration to say that most of our costs are out of control. This is a fact.” He then repeatedly says that if a supplier sends an invoice to the Vatican for a contract handed out without competition, “God help us, but we don’t pay!” "
2. nov. 2015 -
"The secrement documents the money and the scandals that overwhelmed the Pope "
14. maj 2014 -
"The Catholic Church of the 1930s opposed racism and preached love of neighbor. How then could a Catholic priest preside over a fascist state in league with Nazi Germany and become complicit in genocide? "
1. maj 2015 -
“Austen Ivereigh has produced about the best one-volume biography of Pope Francis that you'll find. The Great Reformer explores the fascinating story of Jorge Mario Bergoglio's life in Argentina, with its highlights and shadows."
14. dec. 2014 -
"Ronald Rolheiser is one of the great Christian spiritual writers of our time, as well as one of my own personal favorites. I have read, and recommended, his beautiful book The Holy Longing more times than I can remember. His sequel, Sacred Fire, is a superb book--one to give to a seeker looking to find God, to a friend struggling with a relationship with God, to a devout believer looking to deepen his or her faith--or best of all, to yourself, as a way of coming to know the God who desires ever more to know you."
9. nov. 2014 -
Massimo Faggioli offers us a history and broader context of the so-called ecclesial movements of which Focolare, Community of Sant'Egidio, Neocatechumenal Way, Legionaries of Christ, Communion and Liberation, and Opus Dei are only some of the most recognizable names.
15. okt. 2014 -
The challenges Pope Francis faces are gigantic. Beyond his intended cleanup of the central governance of the Church, beyond making its finances more transparent—both of which are essential if the gospel is to be spread throughout the world—he has many other issues to deal with.
9. okt. 2014 -
From one the leading intellects in the church today one whom Pope Francis has described as a "superb theologian" comes perhaps his most important book yet.
29. Sept. 2014 -
This book is the first sustained attempt to consider what Newman's reaction to Vatican II would have been.
25. sept. 2014 -
"In an age of villainy, war and inequality, it makes sense that we need superheroes. And after trying Superman, Batman and Spider-Man, we may have found the best superheroes yet: Nuns."
- The New York Times
15, sept. 2014 -
"Walter Kasper is a gentle giant within the Catholic community, within ecumenical circles, and within the Catholic-Jewish dialogue"
- Dermot A. Lane, Mater Dei Institute of Education, Dublin City University, Ireland
16. juli 2014 -
Gud i skolen – Religiøse dilemmaer i skolens praksis tager udgangspunkt i en række interview med skoleledere, fagfolk,repræsentanter for forskellige trossamfund samt talsmænd fra Ateistisk Selskab og Humanistisk Samfund.
1. juli 2014 -
"Den veldisponerede guide er for den historiehungrende rejsende, og den inspirerer til at gå på opdagelse og søge viden om den fortid, der også fortæller om nutidens værdier, drømme og forestillinger om byen, der blev skabt af immigranter"
4. juni 2014 -
From laughter to pain; dance and parenting to pets and selfies, NCR's Best Catholic Spirituality Writing 2013 takes you through the Catholic liturgical year with reflections from 21 authors.
4. juni 2014 -
“He’s not only the shepherd for 1.2 billion Catholics, but he’s redefining what it means to be a religious leader. That’s why covering him is such a thrill, and why readers need to know the man behind the headlines.”
22. aug. 2021 -
“Without courageous whistleblowers like Brian Devlin, we would never know the extent of the corruption that facilitated O’Brien and others like him.”
– Mary McAleese