11. juli 2021
Film: Rebel Hearts
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Længde: 102 min.
Nonner sætter sig op imod den katolske kirkes patriarkat for at kæmpe for ligeret, deres overbevisninger og levevilkår mod en magtfuld kardinal.
In 1960s Los Angeles a trailblazing group of nuns, The Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, bravely stood up to the patriarchy of the Catholic Church, fighting for equality, their livelihoods, and their own freedom against an all-powerful Cardinal who sought to keep them in their place. Their bold acts of faith, defiance and activism turned the Church upside down, helping to reshape our society in ways that continue to resonate today. From marching in Selma in 1965 to the Women’s March in 2018, they challenged the notion of what a nun and a woman were supposed to be.
These unlikely resistance fighters, including Anita Caspary, Helen Kelley, Pat Reif and iconic pop artist Corita Kent, were devoted to a life of service, not only to others but to themselves - forming a community that empowered each sister to live up to her fullest potential. Their desire to bring the church into modern life was met with forceful opposition at every turn. As each of them discovered their own talents and voices, they fully stepped into their roles as leaders in a movement that is still making waves.
Trailer | Rebel Hearts
America Magazine: "Review: ‘Rebel Hearts’ shines a light on nuns’ struggle for justice and freedom"
“Rebel Hearts” is an immensely satisfying experience for the viewer, especially for anyone who has chafed against the church’s powerful male hierarchy, but still yearned for belonging in its fold.”
“It is a loss of innocence. They went in with certain hopes and dreams. In many ways, it was shattered.”
“At the beginning of their journey toward greater autonomy, the nuns made three basic demands: Relax the habit requirement, provide two years of college education before they began to teach, and end the traditional requirement to pray in choir at specific times of the day. Their demands were met with fierce opposition, even by the Vatican.
Ultimately, in the film, the sisters must decide whether to stay with the church or strike out on their own.
“Everything they did back in the late ’60s, if they did it today they would still be nuns in the church,” said Mr. Kos. “They were asking for individualized prayer schedule, a career path, change of habit. Today these are longer controversial requests. Most orders follow what these sisters were asking for.”
After a series of exchanges with the Vatican that result in an impasse around these requests, a majority of the sisters decide to break from the church and form their own independent community. “This story is like a marriage story, because it’s the story of a relationship that in the end does not work out,” Kos said. “It is a loss of innocence. They went in with certain hopes and dreams. In many ways, it was shattered.”
“Rebel Hearts” is a story of courage, love and survival. Audiences from “18-year-olds to 88-year-olds are responding positively to it,” said Mr. Kos.
While there are heartbreaking moments in “Rebel Hearts,” especially when the sisters who leave the church find themselves without a means to support themselves, the film is a joyful meditation on finding meaning in life despite, or perhaps because of, the price one has to pay to achieve it.“
Hele anmeldelsen: https://www.americamagazine.org/arts-culture/2021/06/25/review-rebel-hearts-review-nuns-sisters-immaculate-heart-240933
BBC: The rebel nuns who left their convent behind
A group of Californian nuns left their convent and set up their own independent community in 1970. They’d wanted to reform the convent’s rules – including abandoning their traditional habit and set prayer times – but their conservative cardinal refused to discuss change. Former Sister Lucia Van Ruiten tells Witness History about the crisis they caused in the Catholic church.
(Photo: Nuns from the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary play guitars at the Mary's Day parade, 1964. Courtesy of the Immaculate Heart Community)
Release date: 25 February 2020 - Duration: 4 minutes
Kilde: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p084pqjx
Corita Kent: The Pop Art Nun
At a time when pop art was finding its footing and the nation was in a state of upheaval, Sister Corita helped make art more accessible to the public. This episode charts her art practice and her effect on generations after her. Using the classroom as a tool for a more approachable way to think about art, Sister Corita has inspired and motivated an entire new generation of graphic designers.
“A stunning, encouraging documentary”
— Jacob Sahms, dove.org
“An affectionate salute to the women who were dubbed “The Pope’s Unruly Flock” “
- Steve Pond, The Wrap
“Before this film, I had never heard of the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and now I can’t stop thinking about them.”
- A.O. Scott, New York Times
Link: rebelheartsfilm