Tema: Pave Frans i Sydamerika
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Tema: Pave Frans i Sydamerika
6. - 12. juli 2015
The most memorable moments from Pope Francis' trip to Latin America
He visited Ecuador, Bolivia, and Paraguay between July 5th and 12th.
Review of Pope's trip to Latin America
Three countries in eight days...check it out!
13. jul. 2015
Pope Francis spoke about the need for the Catholic Church to be a place of welcome during his trip to Paraguay July 12.
10. jul. 2015
Pope Francis asked forgiveness for the sins of the colonizers of America which were committed "in the name of God."
9. jul. 2015
Pope Francis spoke about the importance of the family during his address to the President of Bolivia July 8.
8. jul. 2015
Pope Francis explained his vision for evangelization and missionary activity in Ecuador July 7.
7. jul. 2015
Pope Francis spoke on the importance of the family and asked for prayers for the 2015 family synod during his trip to Ecuador, July 6.
9. juli 2015 - opdateret 11. juli 2015 -
He also claimed that Fr. Espinal's use of it was not ideological but expressed a hope for dialogue between communism and the Church, adding that Pope Francis' remark likely expresed a sentiment of “I didnt' know”, rather than “This is not right.”
9. juli 2015 -
Den står på selfies og kram til fans og følgere. Den pavelige rockstjerne Pave Frans er i Latinamerika. Hundredetusinder af mennesker møder op for at få et glimt af manden, der er blevet en af de allermest populære skikkelser på verdensscenen.
8. juli 2015 -
Pave Frans tog søndag hjem til sit eget kontinent, hvor han denne uge skal besøge tre små og meget fattige lande. Og det markerer vi her på Datolinjen.
15. juli 2015 -
In the middle of the press conference, he gave reporters a lesson on adopting a proper hermeneutic for the interpretation of speeches and statements, to help them avoid misrepresenting what he says.
12. juli 2015 -
Kritiker anklagar flera presidenter i Latinamerika för en auktoritär ledarstil, som till exempel Nicolas Maduro i Venezuela, Evo Morales i Bolivia, men också Rafael Correa i Ecuador.
6. juli 2015 -
Pope Francis arrived in Ecuador July 5, beginning a week-long tour of South America.
Tidligere udsendelser fra rejsen i Sydamerika:
10. jul 2015 -
A group of nuns tried to swarm towards the Pope in the Cathedral of La Paz, Bolivia.