Tema: Pave Frans i Strasbourg
Pave Frans' tale til Europa-Parlamentet - med simultantolkning til Dansk
Tema: Pave Frans i Strasbourg
25. nov. 2014
Pave Frans' tale til Europa-Parlamentet - med simultantolkning til Dansk:
Som lyd:
The full text of the address delivered by Pope Francis to members of the European Parliament, Strasbourg, France, on Tuesday November 25, 2014.
The full text of Pope Francis’ address to the Council of Europe.
I løbet af dagen:
Berlingske: Pave Frans advarer mod et træt Europa i kontroversiel tale <her>
Politiken: Paven til EU: »Europas sygdom er ensomhed« <her>
DR2 Dagen - Pavens besøg deler vandene - 12:17 fra start <her>
NCR: Pope calls for 'vigorous' Europe to stay true to its roots <her>
Vatikanets egen YouTube kanal som VOD:
Starts at 10:30 am - Pope Francis travels to visit the European Parliament and the Council of Europe.
On an historic visit to the Strasbourg Parliament, Pope Francis stresses the central place of solidarity and people-centred service in all EU action.
Schedule - 25 November 2014
Visit of His Holiness Pope Francis to the European Parliament in Strasbourg
Arrival at the Airport
Arrival at the European Parliament
Ceremony on the Parvis
Arrival at the protocol entrance
Signature of the Golden Book
EP Plenary session - Address by His Holiness Pope Francis
Visit of His Holiness Pope Francis to the European Parliament
Meeting with Jean-Claude JUNCKER, President of the European Commission, Matteo Renzi, Prime Minister of Italy and with Herman VAN ROMPUY, President of the European Council
Visit of His Holiness Pope Francis to the Council of Europe in Strasbourg
Address by Pope Francis to the Council of Europe
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Pope Francis visits and addresses the Council of Europe
- Pope Francis says the Council of Europe has an important role in combating inhumanity
Council of Europe Journal (25 November 2014) In the Journal today: - Pope Francis says the Council of Europe has an important role in combating inhumanity - Recommendations to Russia on corruption and party financing - On the road to democracy: Elections in Tunisia
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Den Hellige Stols EU-repræsentant, Alain Lebeaupin, taler om ændringerne i Europa siden John Paul II's visit og om det budskab, Pave Frans vil have ved plenarmødet i Strasbourg.
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Besøget hvor Pave Frans blev invt. til Strasbourg
11/10-2013 Formandsbesøg i Vatikanstaten
EP's formand benytter besøget hos Pave Francis til at understrege behovet for støtte til Lampedusa-ofrene og fremme dialog som et instrument for forståelse.
3. dec. 2014 -
Is not the Roman Church itself always in danger of being the quintessence of the old West, overly centralized and afraid of new ideas and new modes of conversation?