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Opdateret - Kolportere katolsk.dk smædekampagne mod kardinal?

26. dec. 2017 - (opdateret 27. dec. kl 15:40)

27. dec. kl 15:40
katolsk.dk ændre overskrift på sin artikel.

Nu: "Falske anklager mod pavens toprådgiver?"
Før: "Pavens toprådgiver mistænkt for økonomisk misforvaltning"

For det tilfælde at artiklen på katolsk.dk fjernes, eller ændres, igen - har vi gemt den så den kan læses <her>

27. dec. kl. 15:20
katolsk.dk har igen lagt sin artikel online - og nu med en opdatering der afspejler vores omtale af artiklen fra 'Vatican News'  (som du kan læse længere nede her på vores side)
For det tilfælde at artiklen på katolsk.dk fjernes igen - har vi gemt den så den kan læses <her>

27. dec. kl. 14:40
katolsk.dk har efter 5 dage, og dagen efter vi udgav nedenstående, fjernet sin artikel, uden nærmere forklaring.
Vi har dog gemt artiklen så den kan du læse <her>

26. dec:

Det seneste nyheds opslag på forsiden af katolsk.dk henover juledagene - dateret 22. dec., er en længere omtale af en artikel i det italienske dagblad L’Espresso - der bringes med overskriften:

"Pavens toprådgiver mistænkt for økonomisk misforvaltning"

katolsk.dk skriver bl.a.:

Det italienske dagblad L’Espresso bragte i går en artikel hvori en af pave Frans’ nærmeste rådgivere – den honduranske kardinal Oscar Maradiaga – hævdes at være indblandet i en sag om økonomiske misforvaltning af kirkelige midler.

L’Espresso skrev torsdag den 21. december, at den argentinske biskop Jorge Pedro Casaretto – som pave Frans tidligere i år havde udsendt til Honduras som pavelig udsending – i sin rapport til paven antyder, at kardinal Oscar Maradiaga måske er indblandet i en sag om misforvaltning af kirkelige midler ligesom han skulle have modtaget store pengebeløb fra det katolske universitet i Tegucigalpa.

Artiklen hævder, at kardinal Maradiaga har investeret mere end 1,2 mio. dollar i en række finansielle selskaber i London og at nogle at midlerne siden ”er forsvundet”.

Hele omtalen er <her>    [senere opdateret på katolsk.dk pr. 27. dec. - men den oprindelige kan læses <her> ]

Hvis man følger med i hvad der, internationalt, aktuelt debatteres, udgives af artikler og indlæg i det katolsk univers, er det svært ikke at blive overrasket over at se en artikel som ovenstående bragt på katolsk.dk - set i lyset af alt det (!) man ikke bringer på katolsk.dk

I skærende kontrast til smædekampagnen mod Oscar Maradiaga - bringer Pave Frans's kommunikations afd. i form af en artikel på 'Vatican News' følgende:

Pope to Card. Maradiaga: I'm sorry for the evil they have done against you

Pope Francis spoke via telephone with Cardinal Rodriguez in the wake of the allegations against the Cardinal, who states that the accusations are an attack by those opposed to the Holy Father's curial reform efforts

Pope Francis spoke by telephone with Cardinal Óscar Andrés Rodríguez Maradiaga, Archbishop of Tegucigalpa, after the journalistic accusations addressed to the Cardinal regarding the use of large sums of money received from the Catholic University of Honduras, of which he is Chancellor. In an interview given to Suyapa TV, a television channel of the Church of Honduras, the Cardinal forcefully defined the allegations as calumnious.

The phone call with the Pope: do not be worried
The Cardinal, who holds the role of coordinator of the so-called C9, the Council of Cardinals which collaborates with the Pope on the reform of the Roman Curia, stated that he has had many attestations of solidarity, even from non-Catholic exponents. He then talked about a phone call with the Pope, who told him: “‘I’m sorry for all the evil they have done against you, but do not you worry’. I said to him, ‘Holiness, I am at peace – at peace because I am with the Lord Jesus who knows everyone’s heart’.”

Scurrilous accusations: funds used for the poor
The accusations start from an investigation by a journalist from L’Espresso, who tells of an improper use of tens of thousands of euros paid by the Catholic University of Honduras to the Honduran Cardinal. The Cardinal, in turn, accuses the journalist of not having “professional ethics” or credibility, and of earning money in an infamous way. The Cardinal states that this is old news, already disseminated in 2016 anonymously by a former employee of the University dismissed for the dishonest administration of the institute’s funds. The Cardinal explains that professional deontology requires, before publishing an accusation against someone, that we try to listen to the accused person. He goes on to say that slander is a sin, but it is also a punishable crime. Cardinal Maradiaga recalls that the money received is not used for personal purposes, but to help the poor, give healthcare to the needy, [and] to support priests in rural parishes.

It is an attack by those who do not want reforms
The coordinator of the C9 seeks to understand what could be the reason why a year-old news item should come out, a few days before his renunciation of the leadership of the Archdiocese of Tegucigalpa. Attacking him with a false scandal, he explains, is an “attack on the Holy Father,” by “those who do not want the Curia reformed.”

Tempted to retire in peace
Finally, regarding his renunciation, he affirms that he will be equally happy, whether the Pope accepts it or reject it. “I have been a bishop for 39 years, and for 25 years Archbishop of Tegucigalpa. The possibility of retiring in peace does tempt me.”

Link til artiklen på vaticannews.va <her>

Wikipedia: Óscar Rodríguez Maradiaga

Artikler: Óscar Andrés Rodríguez Maradiaga

Udsendelser: Óscar Andrés Rodríguez Maradiaga