Grant Gallicho: On synod eve, Kasper proposal gets a boost
4. okt. 2014
Grant Gallicho, Commonweal Magazine, skriver bl.a.
On the eve of the synod, Civilta Cattolica will publish a piece retrieving a little-known episode from the Council of Trent. As Andrea Tornielli reports, the article shows that "despite their proclamations in defense of the indissolubility of marriage, the Tridentine Fathers decided not to exclude the possibility of second unions in old 'Greek rites' practiced in the Greek islands that were under the dominion of Venice." Kasper recounted this story during his interview with Matthew Boudway and me.
In 1563, the council fathers discussed the canon that excommunicated those who claimed second marriaged were possible after adultery was committed. The original canon read:
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