1. marts 2016 -
"The archive stretched from the mid-1960s to 2011 and included Bishop James Hogan's notes on the abuse claims and letters and other documents sent to Bishop Joseph Adamec. Both bishops also intervened to stop law enforcement investigations over the years, the grand jury report found."
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1. marts 2016 -
“For me as a survivor I find it very difficult that there might be men at that top position in the church that are still feeling there isn’t a need for change or resisting change even when its recommended by a child protection commission and approved by the Pope.”
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13. feb. 2016 -
There are clear parallels between the child abuse depicted in the award winning film Spotlight in Boston and what occurred in Ireland, according to the Archbishop of Dublin, Dr Diarmuid Martin.
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31. jan. 2016 -
The film tells the biographical story of four journalists from The Boston Globe's 'Spotlight' team - the oldest newspaper investigative unit in the US - who uncovered a scandal of child molestation within the local Catholic Church in 2001.
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19. dec. 2015 -
"Martin Sheen is an actor and a Catholic activist. He has appeared in over 100 films..."
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1. dec. 2015 -
Lourdes is the Virgin’s miracle factory, with more than 7,000 miraculous cures claimed since the mid-1800s. Only 69 have been recognized by church authorities.
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1. dec. 2015 -
" Iben Thranholm skriver, at hun ”blot fremstiller fakta, hvad angår synoden”. Her ville Iben Thranholm jo tabe en retssag, for det er beviseligt, at hun har fordrejer fakta."
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1. dec. 2015 -
Men de siste ukene har ingen etterforskere jobbet med saken. Og etterforskningsslutt og eventuell tiltale er utsatt på ubestemt tid.
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21. nov. 2015 -
Catholics value our tradition of welcoming the stranger. We know what it is like to be strangers, unwelcome in this land. In 1855, for example, Chicago elected an anti-immigrant, anti-Catholic mayor. Near the end of the 19th century, some Chicagoans joined groups such as the American Protective Association, a secret society whose members promised never to hire Catholics who simply wanted to feed their families. This is our history, but it need not repeat itself.
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16. nov. 2015 -
"The unofficial translation summarises well the thoughts and hopes of the Synod of Bishops during the three-week gathering in Rome."
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10. nov. 2015 -
“I don't want to design in the abstract a ‘new humanism,’ a certain idea of man, but to present with simplicity some features of the practical Christian humanism that is present in the ‘mind’ of Christ Jesus.”
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5. nov. 2015 - Update 6. nov. -
Aftenposten har tilgang til flere av referatene fra bisperådsmøtene. Av de interne diskusjonene går det frem at ledelsen i bispedømmet var fullt klar over at metoden for medlemsregistrering førte til feilregistreringer.
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2. nov. 2015 -
"Iben Thranholm manipulerer også groft med pave Frans' ord i dennes prædiken til synodens afslutning d. 25. oktober."
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17. okt. 2015 -
"The Germans along with other countries and cultures are making a singular contribution. They are in touch with a theological tradition. They have some very important voices that are well educated, and they bring that voice to the table. So I weigh them as I do all the others; I listen to what they have to say and I’m very respectful. They come with a great theological tradition. "
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16. okt. 2015 -
"Nå går klagesaken til departementet, mens politiet forbereder straffesak."
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16. okt. 2015 -
"Why would this couple be so severely punished for the actions of an adult daughter?"
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12. okt. 2015 -
I den forbindelse er der nogle, der med forhåbning forventer, at kirken bryder med sin hidtidige lære, og andre, der med rædsel frygter det samme. Det er i min optik to yderfløje, der er på vildspor
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5. okt. 2015 -
Dear brothers, as I have said, the Synod is not a parliament in which to reach a consensus or a common accord there is recourse to negotiation, to deal-making, or to compromise: indeed, the only method of the Synod is to open up to the Holy Spirit with apostolic courage, with evangelical humility and confident, trusting prayer, that it might be He, who guides us, enlightens us and makes us put before our eyes, with our personal opinions, but with faith in God, fidelity to the Magisterium, the good of the Church and the Salus animarum.
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2. okt. 2015 -
Här finns rika källor att ösa ur när det gäller överskridande av könsstereotyper för en kyrka som vill att förnyelse ska vara förankrad bakåt. Att katolska kvinnor, inte bara i västvärlden, börjar tycka att tiden är mogen råder det ingen tvekan om.
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27. sept. 2015 -
I deeply regret that some bishops failed in their responsibility to protect children. It is very disturbing to know that in some cases bishops even were abusers.
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