2. maj 2014
CatholicHerald skriver bl.a.:
A Manchester parish priest is raising money to turn his large presbytery into a community centre in a downsizing inspired by Pope Francis.
Fr Andrew Stringfellow of Sacred Heart and St Francis of Assisi, Gorton, is seeking £15,000 on the website Crowdfunder to help convert what he describes as the “biggest house in the parish”.
His plan is to move into a small flat upstairs and turn the rest of the presbytery into public areas for meetings and seminars. A communal kitchen will also be added.
In a video appeal Fr Stringfellow explains that the house was built in 1907 for three priests and two housekeepers. “And now there’s just me,” he says.
Hele artiklen er <her>
SAFE Parish House Project - Fr Andrew Stringfellow
Man kan støtte projektet via: Crowdfunder: Priest house given to the people
HeraldScotland: New Catholic bishop chooses to live in deprived housing scheme
Vatican Insider: Frans effekten er ved at slå rod ser det ud til.