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Vatikanet iværksætter intern undersøgelse af Bertone

20. maj 2014 - update 22. maj og 27. maj

Vatican Indsider fortæller om en artikel i tyske Bild - og skriver bl.a.:

Vatikanet undersøger om kardinalen har begået underslæb for 15 millioner euro. 

Pengene som Tarcisio Bertone siges at have begået underslæb med, var tilsyneladende beregnet til et tv-produktionsselskab Lux Vide, som den tidligere statssekretær for vatikanet har forbindelser til, skriver Bild.

Operationen fandt angiveligt sted i december 2012.  

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Artiklen fra Bild er <her>


22. maj 2014

NCR skriver "Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, former Vatican No. 2, denies financial wrongdoing":

"I don't understand these attacks," Bertone told ANSA. "I am in harmony with the pope. ... He likes me."

Francis shook up the administration of the scandal-plagued bank, replacing four members of the five-cardinal oversight committee. Bertone was among those ousted after less than a year of his five-year term.

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27. maj 2014

Financial Times skriver bl.a.:

The €15m loss by IOR will be accounted in the bank’s next annual report, expected no earlier than October.

A banking source described the loss as a “bad investment” but said it was not under the scrutiny of the Vatican’s Financial Information Authority because it did not involve suspected money laundering.

According to its statute the bank “does not use deposits to lend money and does not issue securities for resale or other financial products”.

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