26. april 2014 -
Johannes Paul II - Pilegrimspaven og menneskefiskeren
Pave Johannes XXIII og Det annet vatikankonsil
Read MoreNotitia Blog - Katolikker i Dialog
26. april 2014 -
Johannes Paul II - Pilegrimspaven og menneskefiskeren
Pave Johannes XXIII og Det annet vatikankonsil
Read More26. april 2014 -
Præcis på samme måde som budskabet om Jesu opstandelse gik fra mund til mund – og stadig gør det.
Read More26. april 2014 -
"...As the number of cases began to slowly rise, the Pope started to get very concerned. His thinking was so pure that it was impossible for him to accept that all this was real; it was unbelievable, but he accepted it,”
Read More26. april 2014 -
And since the men are so different, it does not canonize either model of being pope. It leaves him free to follow his own path
Read More26. april 2014 -
The need for humor in the spiritual life is often underplayed in Catholic circles.
Read More25. april 2014 -
Every day through Sunday's canonizations of Popes John XXIII and John Paul II,NCR will have stories from Joshua J. McElwee in Rome and commentary about the two men joining the communion of saints.
Read More25. april 2014 -
Hvor mange mirakler skal man have udført for at blive helgen? Hvor meget betyder helgener for katolikker? Få svar de vigtigste spørgsmål om helgener op til weekendens helgenkåring af to tidligere paver.
Read More25. april 2014 -
The double canonization Sunday of two popes, John XXIII and John Paul II, is a first in church history, and it’s prompted a debate among commentators
Read More24. april 2014 -
"...should be seen in the context of the Pope’s “personal pastoral relationships” and not as an event that carries “consequences relating to the teaching of the Church”. "
Read More24. april 2014 -
Catholic sisters are skilled, educated, committed agents of change. They engage the world through Gospel values. They live community in ways that disrupt common thinking.
Read More24. april 2014 -
He was friendly and approachable, human and funny, warm and caring, and always loving.
Read More23. april 2014
Read More23. april 2014
Read More23. April 2014 -
Former Vatican secretary of state is combining two apartments for a 6,500 square foot residence just as Francis urges clergy to adopt a more modest lifestyle
Read More22. april 2014
It seems like some of the world's bishops still haven't gotten the message that they should do the same. But it also seems like Francis isn't afraid to give them a reminder.
Read More22. april 2014
The documents show the Holy See was well aware of Maciel's drug abuse, sexual abuse and financial improprieties as early as 1956
Read More22. april 2014
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