Side 2 blog

Side 2 blog - Katolikker i Dialog

»Den Katolske Kirke og Vassula Rydén?«

Kiko belærer Paven

Overvejelser efter læsning af Kiko Argüellos bog ”Kerygma”

Grethe Livbjerg: »Sunde og sekteriske fællesskaber«

PR møde Punktet: "Præsentation af Neokatekumenatet"

Henriette Sørensen: "Min erfaring med Den Neokatekumenale Bevægelse."


31. marts 2014

Disse linjer greb min opmærksomhed da jeg læste Christina Capecchi's blog på The Huffington Post.

"When I look back on the adventures I've had as a sister - teaching, coaching, serving as an elementary-school principal, helping as an academic advisor and resident-hall chaplain at college - I'm filled with awe. Religious life has been more than I ever could've dreamed of."

- 94-year-old basketball chaplain puts the fun in nun

"94-year-old basketball chaplain puts the fun in nun"

"At age 94, I am honored to serve as chaplain of the men’s varsity basketball team of Loyola University in Chicago. Bopping around the sidelines in my Nikes and trifocals, standing 5 feet tall, I am towered by the athletes, but they treat me like a queen"

"I rise at 5 am. There is much to do! I’m so busy chatting with students in the shuttle line, Googling the competition, praying in the chapel and gazing at Lake Michigan that I hardly have time to check Facebook.

These young people keep me alive. And I’m excited by Pope Francis, not just because he’s a Jesuit, but because he’s asking us to evangelize, to share our faith with other people and listen to their faith as well. He needs our help. We better give it to him! He keeps telling us, “God loves us. We may get tired of loving God, but He never gets tired of loving us.” To me that’s a great gift.

When I look back on the adventures I’ve had as a sister – teaching, coaching, serving as an elementary-school principal, helping as an academic advisor and resident-hall chaplain at college – I’m filled with awe. Religious life has been more than I ever could’ve dreamed of."

Men læs hele "Sister Jean Dolores Schmidt" fortælling <her>

En herlig historie, som stamme fra dette website: SisterStory

"SisterStory is a national campaign aimed at broadening awareness of Catholic sisters. Who are Catholic sisters? What are their lives like? What impact have they had over the course of American history? What difference do they make today?

Our intention is to demystify religious life – the vows of poverty, celibacy and obedience, the experience of living in community, the desire to belong totally to God – by sharing the stories of Catholic sisters. We aim to connect sisters with young women and to share their impressions in an authentic, first-person 20-something voice."