28. jan. 2018
John L. Allen Jr., Crux skriver bl.a.
Douthat and Ivereigh showed us how to disagree without being disagreeable
It’s the nature of my gig that I go to a lot of events - conferences, panels, symposia, plenary assemblies, you name it, I’ve been there. Often you learn something, other times you make a new contact, but few of those outings truly qualify as memorable.
Wednesday night in Dallas was the exception that proved the rule.
That night, I moderated a remarkable event hosted by the University of Dallas featuring two of the smartest, best-informed, and most articulate Catholic commentators alive - Ross Douthat of the New York Times and author of the forthcoming To Change the Church: Pope Francis and the Future of Catholicism; and Austen Ivereigh, author of The Great Reformer: Francis and the Making of a Radical Pope and a Crux contributor.
Anyone who knows the lay of the land in English-speaking Catholicism today will immediately recognize Ivereigh as a leading supporter of Pope Francis, and Douthat as perhaps his most trenchant critic. As a result, the forecast Wednesday was for fireworks, and indeed there was plenty of lively disagreement, captured in a superb write-up by Crux’s national correspondent Chris White.
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