23. april 2018
The Institute for Catholic Social Thought at Villanova University celebrates the fifth anniversary of the election of Pope Francis. The goal of the conference is to provide a theological and historical analysis of this pontificate.
April 12-15
Se dem enkeltvis herunder ca. 60 min / stk - eller samlet via playlisten i bunden ca. 9 timer.
Flight or Field Hospital: Pope Francis and the Church’s Engagement with the World
Reconciling Doctrine, Theology, Spirituality, and Pastorality: Vatican II and Pope Francis
Pope Francis and Laudato Si
A hunter... ends up with an arrow in his behind: Following Francis’s Tough Leadership Act
Pope Francis and His Impact on the Church of Latin America
The Catholic Church as a Social Movement
Pope Francis Interpretation of Vatican II
The Spiritual The Spiritual Roots of “Reform” in Pope Francis
Pope Francis Theologian of Migration
Samlet playliste med alle 9 indlæg.
Event side: Conference: Francis, a Voice Crying Out in the World: Mercy, Justice, Love, & Care for the Earth <her>
Crux: "Pope’s biggest fans celebrate five years of Francis at Villanova" <her>
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