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Blase J. Cupich: Staying Civil

21. sept. 2014 - 

Ifm. den bemærkelsesværdige udnævnelse af Biskop Blase Joseph Cupich til Ærkebiskop af Chicago – som er omtalt her:

"Blase Cupich of Spokane named archbishop of Chicago" <her>

"Analyse: The ‘Francis Era’ in America starts today in Chicago" <her>

"+Cupich to Chicago: What Does This Mean?" <her>

omtales heri

”Cupich appointment could upend conservative dominance of US hierarchy" <her>


In March 2012, for example, in the midst of the bishops’ nasty battle with the Obama administration over religious freedom and the employer mandate to provide free contraception coverage, Cupich wrote an essay in America magazine titled “Staying Civil.”

In that column, Cupich called for dialogue with the White House and the Department of Health and Human Services rather than constant confrontation, and said the crisis was a chance to find “common ground.”

“While the outrage to the H.H.S. decision was understandable, in the long run threats and condemnations have a limited impact,” he wrote.

 The phrase “common ground” also resonated because it was associated with the approach of George’s predecessor in Chicago, the late Cardinal Joseph Bernardin, who embodied the hopes of a more progressive church — hopes that seemed to end with George.

Det omtalte essay: March 5, 2012, Blase J. Cupich: Staying Civil <her> 

Wikipedia: Blase Joseph Cupich