20. juli 2015 -
Peter Raven, a member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences for 25 years, has little patience for people who deny that global climate change is happening.
Read MoreArtikler i aviser / på nettet - - Katolikker i Dialog
20. juli 2015 -
Peter Raven, a member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences for 25 years, has little patience for people who deny that global climate change is happening.
Read More19. juli 2015 -
The Pope’s Encyclical reflects a growing and important relationship between religious leaders and the scientific community, one that DoSER has actively supported for 20 years by facilitating conversations between scientists and religious communities.
Read More16. juli 2015 -
"Sidstnævnte omtales begge i ”Laudato Si”, men ignoreres af mange medier, der ellers lovpriser rundskrivelsen, fordi det kommer på tværs af hans image som ”fornyer”. Men pave Frans er ikke blot revolutionær. Han vil også omvende. Den dimension er nyttig at have med, hvis man vil forstå, hvor han vil hen."
Read More15. juli 2015 -
In the middle of the press conference, he gave reporters a lesson on adopting a proper hermeneutic for the interpretation of speeches and statements, to help them avoid misrepresenting what he says.
Read More12. juli 2015 -
Kritiker anklagar flera presidenter i Latinamerika för en auktoritär ledarstil, som till exempel Nicolas Maduro i Venezuela, Evo Morales i Bolivia, men också Rafael Correa i Ecuador.
Read More7. juli 2015 -
Read More6. juli 2015 -
Pope Francis arrived in Ecuador July 5, beginning a week-long tour of South America.
Read More3. juli 2015 -
Politiet undersøger bispedømmet efter straffeloven § 271, som omhandler snyd med medlemskab. Politiet lægger en bedragerisum på 50 millioner til grund.
Read More29. juni 2015 -
"The former bishop ran things like a mafia," said Carlos Pereira, a humanities professor at the Catholic University in Ciudad del Este. "How did we end up in debt? What happened to the diocese's properties, to all its assets?"
Read More27. juni 2015 -
Pave Frans har idag oprettet eet fælles organ for alt medie kommunikation.
Read More25. juni 2015 -
En uventet opdagelse på CT-scanning var at finde et 4-5 måneder gamle foster, der var blevet skjult godt i kisten, under Winstrups fødder.
Read More14. juni 2015 -
He criticized those who say: "Where are those visionaries who tell us today about the letter the Madonna will send at 4 p.m.?
Read More13. juni 2015 -
bishops, priests, lay shudn't be afraid of arguments. A church without "quarrels" is dead, a cemetery
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7. juni 2015 -
"I will go to France. I promised the French bishops that I would go. As for problems: little problems are not problems!"
Read More7. juni 2015 -
Dette ønsket er ikke så enkelt å oppfylle siden biskop Eidsvig selv er én av de tre siktede og derfor må avstå fra å kommentere saksforhold – av hensyn til politietterforskningen.
Read More4. juni 2015 -
Ahead of the publication of Pope Francis' encyclical on the environment, experts reflect on the history and significance of the church's role in promoting the stewardship of creation.
Read More1. juni 2015 -
Francis' motto, on the contrary, is: "Reality stands above the idea." Instead of withdrawing in the name of pure teachings, he claims it is better to "allow oneself to be surprised by the Holy Spirit."
Read More14. juni 2015 -
"Jeg fik lov til at filme dem fra tidlig morgen til sen aften. Fra bøn til arbejde, på indkøb, til audiens hos paven - og til fritid med fest og farver," fortæller Per Wennick. .
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