
Film: Dokumentar - Hvem myrdede søster Cathy?

22. april 2017 -  opdateret 23. juli

- Global premiere d. 19. maj -  Netflix: The Keepers

Hvem myrdede søster Cathy? The Keepers - 19. maj. Kun på Netflix.

19. juli 2017
A crime series has prompted new calls for the Baltimore archdiocese to release documents about a controversial priest. "The Keepers" is a Netflix documentary series following Father Joseph Maskell and his alleged abuse of teenage girls at a Catholic high school. Jan Crawford reports.


Netflix-dokumentar sætter gang i ny efterforskning af uhyggeligt drab på nonne

Poul Høi, Berlingske, skiver bl.a. 21. april:

Du ved det ikke endnu, men i næste måned vil du forsøge at opklare drabet på Cathy Cesnik.
7. november 1969 hævede hun penge i en bank, hun gik til bageren og købte boller - og derefter kørte hun sin grønne Ford Maverick ind i et mysterium, som lignede et mysterium, som ikke skulle opklares.

Der var vidner, som blev truet på plads, og der var efterforskere, som fik besked på at stoppe efterforskningen. Der var en grådkvalt mand, som kom hjem indsmurt i blod, der var en katolsk præst, som voldtog piger, der var betjente, som deltog i voldtægten, og der var et nedgravet arkiv med kasser med måske fældende papirer.

Og sagen kom ingen vegne. Ikke før nu, hvor de samme dokumentarister, som i 2015 gav os serien »Making a Murderer,« kaster sig over den. I næste måned blænder de op for serien »The Keepers« på Netflix, og hvis man skal tro en nylig artikel hos et lokalt medie, så har de bid.

»Politiet er tættere end nogensinde på at opklare sagen,« skriver CBS i Baltimore.

8. feb. 2017 - CBS Baltimore
Shocking Revelations In Brutal Decades-Old Murder Of Baltimore Nun


Det er ikke mærkeligt, at dokumentarister tager fat på mysteriet om Cathy Cesnik; derimod er det mærkeligt, at det ikke er sket for længst. For der er noget absolut davidlynchsk over sagen.

Journalist Laura Bassett fra Huffington Post er formentlig den, som indtil nu er kommet længst i efterforskningen; hun skrev i 2015 en 8.000 ord lang og dybdeborende featureartikel om sagen. »Begravet i Baltimore: Det mystiske drab på en nonne, som vidste for meget,« hed artiklen, og her er nogle af de detaljer, som Bassett gravede frem:


Den kommende serie, »The Keepers,« er på syv afsnit og den bliver endnu et bidrag til en af de mest potente filmgenrer - »den moderne krimi-dokumentar,« som en forsker har kaldt den.

Den moderne dokumentar adskiller sig afgørende fra den gamle tabloide genre, hvor kriminalitet »blev betragtet som underholdning og retfærdighed som en tilskuesport,« som litteraturkritikeren Laura Marsh har skrevet i Dissent. Den moderne krimi-genre fraklipper ikke tvivl, den er ikke bange for at dvæle ved beviserne og deres flertydighed, og den betragter ikke sit publikum som tosser, men forventer, at de engagerer sig kritisk i efterforskningen.

De fleste eksperter er enige om, at genren begynder med dokumentarserien »The Staircase« i 2004 og derudover bl.a. tæller »Der Kick,« »Serial,« »The Jinx« og » Making a Murderer.«

Kilde: Stella Bruzzi, »Making a genre: the case of the contemporary true crime documentary,« Law and Humanities, 2016.

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Netflix skiver i deres omtale af serien der har global premiere d. 19. maj:

The Keepers

From director Ryan White (The Case Against 8, Good Ol’ Freda) comes The Keepers, a riveting seven-part documentary series about the unsolved murder of a Baltimore nun and the horrific secrets and pain that linger nearly five decades after her death.

The series opens with the story of Sister Cathy Cesnik, a beloved nun and Catholic high school teacher in Baltimore who went missing on Nov. 7, 1969. Nearly two months later, her body was found – and, to this day, her murder remains unsolved.

The case returned to the spotlight in the 1990s when one of Sister Cathy’s former students – a woman only known as “Jane Doe” – came forward to share her experience of horrendous sexual abuse by the high school’s chaplain. Incredibly, “Jane Doe” revealed she was also taken to Sister Cathy’s undiscovered body and told, “See what happens when you say bad things about people.” Despite this and testimony from other victims and witnesses of abuse, no one was held accountable, and the story was largely unreported outside of Baltimore.

Through conversations with dozens of friends, relatives, journalists, government officials and Baltimore citizens determined to uncover the truth, White pieces together a story that goes beyond the death of a beloved Catholic schoolteacher to encompass clergy abuse, repressed memories and government and religious institutions that he says “at best, dropped the ball over the last 45 years – and, at worst, covered it up.”

In 2014, the Baltimore Sun reviewed the facts of the case. You can watch the full video here:

Sept. 2014:
In November 1969, a 26-year-old nun,
Catherine Cesnik, was reported missing. Her beaten body was discovered two months later in a Baltimore County field. Nearly 45 years later, her murder remains unsolved.

18. maj 2017 - CBS Baltimore
Promising Lead Goes Cold In Sister Cathy Case After DNA Comparison

19. maj 2017 - CBS Baltimore
WJZ Speaks With Director Of Netflix Documentary On Sister Cathy Murder

20. maj 2017
Director Ryan White explains why he made the documentary through the eyes of Gemma and Abbie, the "grandma Nancy Drews". 

22. maj 2017
Director Ryan White reveals if there could be a continuation of the Netflix mini-series in the future if new discoveries are made in Sister Cathy's murder. 

1. juni 2017
"The Keepers" is a seven-episode documentary Netflix series about a long-standing and baffling cold case. The story focuses on a Baltimore County police investigation into the disappearance and murder of Sister Cathy Cesnik, 26, nearly 50 years ago. The series is also generating interest in other cold cases that have haunted Maryland for decades.

6. juni 2017
The Netflix series "The Keepers" suggests that Bishop Malooly might have participated in a cover-up related to Father A. Joseph Maskell's alleged abuse of his students in the 1960s. Bishop Malooly released a statement Monday, claiming he wanted to clarify the insinuations made in "The Keepers."

20. juli 2017
Abbie Schaub and Gemma Hoskins Discuss Docuseries 'The Keepers' | The View

Netflix's 'Keepers' prompts call for archdiocese to release priest's files

Alison Knezevic, The Baltimore Sun, skriver bl.a.:

The release of "The Keepers," a Netflix documentary series examining the unsolved death of a Catholic nun and abuse at then-Archbishop Keough High School, has sparked calls for the Archdiocese of Baltimore to release files on the priest at the center of the story.

An online petition on has more than 11,000 signatures urging church officials to make public its files on A. Joseph Maskell, who died in 2001.

The priest denied abuse allegations before his death and was never charged. Since 2011, the archdiocese has paid out $472,000 in settlements to 16 people who accused him of abuse.

"The release of these documents will restore public trust in the Archdiocese, and confirm the Archdiocese statements regarding their handling of the sexual abuse claims," the petition states.

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Anmeldelser / Omtale:

Filmmagasinet 'ekko' - 'Netflix’ nye true crime-serie går forbilledligt grundigt til værks i sagen om et uopklaret nonnemord og seksuelle overgreb i den katolske kirke. <her>

RollingStone  - "The Keepers': Inside Netflix's Compelling New True-Crime Docuseries" <her>

The Wrap -  " ‘The Keepers’ Filmmaker: Father Maskell Abused 40 Victims, Not Just the 6 in Netflix’s Doc " <her> -  "Priest Who Came To Ireland Linked To Nun’s Murder In Netflix’s The Keepers" <her>

The Baltimore Sun - "Priest's body exhumed from Randallstown cemetery in investigation of Baltimore nun's decades-old killing <her> - "Ryan White og Netflix’ true crime-serie ’The Keepers’, der handler om mordet på en nonne og katolske præsters overgreb på unge mennesker, er dokumentarfilmgenrens svar på krimiserien ’The Wire’. Den er en både spændende og aldeles hjerteskærende oplevelse"
- Christian Monggaard <her>

Artikler i katolske medier:

Crux - 19. maj "Archdiocese speaks ahead of Netflix series on murdered nun" <her>

America Magazine - 18. maj "In Netflix's "The Keepers," a nun’s unsolved murder tears apart a Catholic community" <her> 

Global Sisters Report - 18. maj: "Netflix's 'The Keepers' investigates nun's unsolved murder, a case tied to sex abuse, cover-up" <her> 


Inside Baltimore - "Baltimore Archdiocese Agrees to $50,000 Settlement with Clergy Sex-Abuse Victim Who Said She Was Shown Body of Murdered Nun" <her>

Huffingtonpost - "Buried In Baltimore: The Mysterious Murder Of A Nun Who Knew Too Much" (Father Joseph Maskell)"  <her> 

Bustle - "What Happened To Father Joseph Maskell? 'The Keepers' Priest Is At The Center Of The Series" <her>

2017 - 17. maj: Archdiocese of Baltimore: "An Important Message from the Archbishop"  <her>

Netflix: The Keepers