7. juni 2014 -
"Til venstre står Fr. O’Connell og til højre Jimmy Savile."
Read MoreNotitia Blog - Katolikker i Dialog
6. juni 2014 -
"Father Caddell describes war “as the last resort” and says “it should never be gloried in.” At the same time, he says the irony is that in “those dreadful situations,” the courage of individual men and women shines through. "
Read More31. maj 2014 -
Bartholomew: With Francis, we invite all Christians to celebrate the first synod of Nicaea in 2025
Read More28. maj 2014 -
"Derved anerkendte Frans på en og samme gang både palæstinenserne og israelernes nationale traumer og fortællinger"
Read More28. maj 2014 - update 29. maj og 30. maj
Pope Francis recently put this in stark terms when he called increasing inequality “the root of social evil”.
"Lagarde and Carney are on the right track"
27. maj 2014 -
Still, there can also be a price for transparency, which he pontiff neatly illustrated Monday night.
Read More20. maj 2014 - Update: 27. maj -
...underslæb for 15 millioner euro?
- Det forlyder at de 15 mio vil blive betragtet som tabt af Vatikanbanken, IOR.
Read More25. maj 2014 -
et signal om en dynamisk, ung og globaliseret kirke, der er nysgerrig på fremtiden.
Read More18. maj 2014 -
Priests are trusted with spiritual secrets: we don’t expect them to sell us out for a quick buck.
Update: 21. maj 2014: Catholic college in Ireland withdraws Jackie Kennedy letters from auction.
Read More15. maj 2014 -
"Så, ja: Mette Gjerskov er "spids", som hun selv siger i sin indledning, men skarp kan man ikke kalde hendes analyse." - David Vincent Nielsen
Read More6. maj 2014 -
Omtalte Józef Wesołowski, der er ved at gennemgå en dobbelt retssag, var i en periode udstationeret i Danmark ved det Apostoliske Nuntiatur i Vedbæk.
Read More2. maj 2014 -
...og sagde, at oplevelsen og skolens engagement omkring ”Ny Nordisk Skole” kunne samles i et ord: ”Eksemplarisk”.
Read More2. maj 2014 -
His plan is to move into a small flat upstairs and turn the rest of the presbytery into public areas for meetings and seminars. A communal kitchen will also be added.
Read More27. april 2014 -
On Friday afternoon, Pope Francis phoned Pannella at Rome’s Gemelli hospital, with the two men speaking for roughly 20 minutes.
Read More26. april 2014 -
svensk uafhængigt katolsk kulturtidsskrift, med et bredt spektum af emner i relation til tro, kultur, videnskab og samfund.
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